Amidst the current pandemic and the world’s rapid changes in society, POEM takes you to witness the transition of an era in this latest Spring Summer collection, reflecting from people’s thoughts and spirits throughout the history. The idea behind POEM’s Spring Summer 2022 crystallized from Chavanon’s interest in historical costumes as well as his preference of garments from Romantic era. “The whole inspiration actually dated back when I was studying in the university. There were several times that I was involved in costume making for the faculty’s stage plays,” said Chavanon Caisiri, the house’s creative director. “After a countless of intensive researches, ‘costumes’ appeared to be a variable that separate different classes in our society apart from one another throughout the history. Examples can be seen from almost every kind of media; be it poems, literatures, paintings, and so on. I personally think that such historical costumes tell us many fascinating stories, from their origins to the meaning of their existence. Let’s take a look at women’s fashion from the 18th – 19th Century. Every piece worn by people from high-societies was made with superb craftsmanship by skillful artisans to boast the wearers’ nobility and status. But ironically, most of the artisans who made such costumes dressed differently and most also came from lower classes.” “Fashion history has been a very fascinating topic because there are always stories being told differently, depending on which point of view we choose to look at it from. To others, luxurious costumes and garments from the past may be the representation of aristocracy’s etiquette, noble’s elegance or even an object to define one’s wealth and authority. But to me, those luxurious costumes were the representation advanced labor skills, dedication, and artistry delivered by peasants and lower classes, rather than being purely the symbol of wealth and social status as intended by the higher society,” Chavanon added. Inspired by a much more intensity of social gap caused by the current world’s occurrences such as the Covid pandemic or even Thailand’s political movement, Chavanon decided to create something bold and daring to emphasize the beauty and charm of delicate craftsmanship behind high fashion. In this collection, Romantic designs are modernized and reintroduced with the blend of masculine garment, as well as the references of elements from various periods from the past; for example, the Louis XVI era and the succeeding luxurious revolution in France. The Dreamer was created to satirize the society, pointing out the long existing gaps between difference social classes through a wardrobe of designs. The collection symbolizes a parody version of exaggerated high society costumes from the history. The set features various forms of garments with surreal elements told in an irony tone of storytelling. Each item highlights historical hints such as flare sleeves, chemise, hemline, and balloon skirts. The house signature’s corset is also back with the modern reinterpretation through denim fabric and botanical prints to blur the line between different social classes and genders.

Spring-Summer 2022